By purchasing also the land and buildings in july 2013, myWood completed the initial share deal for the former Rettenmeier Polomka Timber s.r.o. The company was not profitable under the management of the Rettenmeier Group and was sold to myWood in 2012. Land and buildings remained property of Rettenmeier initially.

Thanks to the support of the slovak bank SLSP, the purchase of land and buildings (27 ha land, over 30.000 m2 buildings) could be effected in july 2013. With this step for myWood the foundation is layed for further growth of the company. In 2013 myWood already took into operation a new production for wood pellets. A new kiln dryer and the production line for concrete block boards are beeing set up at the moment.

myWood Polomka Timber has over 150 employees. The managent succeded the Turnaround already in the first year of the takeover. Over 98% of the production is exported.